Sex Is Worship

Hayley Mulenda
5 min readMar 27, 2023

Sex is a beautiful and intimate act that has been a part of human existence since the beginning of time. Unfortunately Sex has come with a lot of shame and guilt, when it’s one of the most beautiful things heaven has created.. that is why I think it comes with so much depth, layers, issues, attachments and beauty all at the same time.

In the Bible, sex is not just a physical act, but a spiritual one. Sex is not just a word, it has a deeper meaning and purpose, if people actually understand how beautiful sex is, they wouldn’t be so casual with it.

First and foremost, sex is a gift from God. It’s a very powerful gift from God. This gift has the power of procreation..the fact that life itself can be birthed from sex, just shows how beautiful powerful and sacred sex is.

In the book of Genesis, God created Adam and Eve and commanded them to be fruitful and multiply.. Sex is a commandment.

The Bible affirms that sex within the context of marriage is a good and holy thing.

The Song of Solomon really captures the beauty and intimacy of sex within marriage. It describes the passion and desire that a husand and wife should have. You should want to desire your husband, you should daydream about your back being blown out and practising all sorts of positions..sorry is this too much information? lol — it’s either because you shouldn’t be reading this blog post.. LOL or you need to unlearn the guilt you hide behind sex.

Sex in right context is beautiful.

In Proverbs 5:18–19, it says, “Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated always in her love.”

Your breasts should bring joy to your husband, your body should bring him pleasure all ways and always.

Sex is a way to express our love to one another. The Bible Says “Adam Knew Eve” which means the depth of knowing someone is actually rooted in sexual intimacy.

In Ephesians 5:25, it says, “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” Sex is selfless. We can’t go into this with any pride or any selfish acts, the best sex is where both of you want to meet eachother and explore eachother too.

I do believe that Sex is a sacred and should be reserved for marriage — Sex is like a fire, once it’s contained in a house.. it brings heat to the home, it’s calming, warm and it’s safe BUT sex outside of marriage can be a rapid fire, especially when the person you’re having a sex with desires no commitment to you.

Now this blog post is not going to become a porno lol, however before getting married there was a lack of resources educating me on how to prepare myself for my husband sexually.

I believe we have to do better in the body of Christ to communicate sex safely to those who want to enjoy it in their marriage.

I had the pleasure of sitting down and speaking with different married women about what they enjoy about sex and what things have helped them over the months and years in marriage.

Before I get into what other women have expressed to me :

Something that really helped me from switching from the holy virgin lol to a freak for my husband.. I first had to understand what sex is, look into the science behind sex.

I watched videos about the vaginas, the g spot, clitoral stimulation and the same with what are the senstive and most stimulating parts of a penis.. these really helped me understand the science behind stimulation.

I won’t lie to you, leading up to my wedding, my husband was very much aware of how much I desire him sexually, infact I could be in the middle of a meeting and I will send him a wild text of what I want him to do to me when I get home.

Make sex fun and exciting

my husband and I love to travel — I feel travelling brings out a different side to you sexually, booking some time in a different environment makes things fun, saucy and enticing.

lastly, learn to communicate — learn to have down time where you can discuss how it went, what did you enjoy, what didn’t you enjoy and maybe talk about things you would like to explore next time (next time could be in a few minutes, hours and days.. I aint judging lol 😉 )

Here is a few answers from other amazing married women I have the pleasure of knowing(all answers are anonymous) :

Woman 1: It’s really important that you create the atmosphere of sex, it’s not just an act.. it’s a feeling and it should excite you.

Here are a few things that have helped me spice up marriage

  • Flirting via texts throughout the day
  • intentionally booking a sex weekender (time away just to have sex)
  • ensuring your spouses needs are met emotionally as well as physically
  • showering together

Woman 2 :

Before I came to Christ, I was someone who was engaging in Threesomes — I thought I knew it all but God is teaching me there’s so much more to learn with men.

I have learned to stop trying to perform during sex, be open to learning — it’s not always about being a freak, sometimes let your husband be the one who is showing off.

We have to understand that pleasing your husband sexually is a form of worship to God, this really helped me want to engage in sex more.

I would make sure I would prioritise time to shop for lingerie, have long baths, buy new perfumes — this would build up the excitment for me.

I learned to keep things spicy, I have tried fancy dress — being a naughty nurde and bought other things such as massage oils..

I also have a lock for my bedroom door so that my kids can’t walk in lol! remaning open minded has helped me leep things spicy and thats been a massive help.

Books to read :

Book Sheet Music

Sex Everyday

Listen The Bible celebrates the beauty and pleasure of sex within marriage while also setting boundaries for sexual behavior.

May we honor God’s gift of sex and use it in a way that glorifies Him, in jesus name amen!



Hayley Mulenda

The rawest version of me on the internet. Just sharing my honest truth as I navigate my journey to marriage.